Animal Trapping Policy & Procedures

Summary of Policy

A policy aimed at safely relocating an animal deemed to be a nuisance and protecting the faculty, staff, students, and visitors on campus.

Reason for Policy

  1. To safetly relocate an animal deemed to be a nuisance from one Dartmouth owned property to another.
  2. To protect faculty, staff, students, and visitors from animals that are on-campus and deemed to be a nuisance.

Affected Parties

All Groups

Policy Statement

Anyone on campus who notices a nuisance animal in or near a Dartmouth facility should report the situation to one of the following departments:

  • Non-residential buildings during the work week: Work Control (603-646-2508)
  • Non-residential buildings during off-hours: Troubleshooters (603-646-2344)
  • Residence hall during the work week: (603-646-1203)
  • Rental properties: Real Estate Office (603-646-2446)



Supervisors in the above-mentioned departments will select an appropriate employee or contractor to trap and relocate the animal(s). Such individuals should wear appropriate PPE:

  • Eye protection
  • Leather work gloves
  • Long sleeve shirt
  • Long pants

If the nuisance animal is a skunk, raccoon or other small animal:

  • Bait a Have-a-Heart trap with appropriate food items
  • Check the trap daily
  • Once the animal has been caught, place a blanket over the cage prior to moving it
  • Place the covered trap in the back of a pick-up truck
  • Release of the captured animal should be on Fullington Farm (must be on a Dartmouth College owned property in NH)
  • Place the trap on solid ground
  • Open the trap door and quickly step away from the trap
  • If at any time the animal bites or scratches an employee, the employee must seek medical treatment.

If the nuisance animal is small, such as bat or mouse:

  • If the bat or mouse problem is not limited to one animal, contact the appropriate department listed above for pest control services.
  • Put on appropriate PPE
  • Place a box, waste basket, bag or other device over the animal
  • Release the animal outdoors in the general area of the building
  • If at any time the animal bites or scratches an employee, the employee must seek medical attention

Birds are caught and released or taken to VINS for treatment

Bees: Unless bees or wasps are actively attacking someone spraying must be done by a licensed pesticide applicator with a general pest (F1) category for their pesticide license. Contact the appropriate department listed above to report a bee or wasp problem.

Policy ID


Effective Date

October 15, 2018

Last Revised Date

April 29, 2024


Campus Operations

Office of Primary Responsibility

Facilities Operations & Management (FO&M)

Office(s) of Secondary Responsibility

Last Reviewed Date

April 29, 2024

Next Review Date