Approved Food Provider Guidelines for Departments

Summary of Policy

This policy will outline the requirements related to purchasing prepared food for College sponsored events from an approved provider.

Reason for Policy

Provide guidelines for employees that have responsibility for purchasing prepared food related to College sponsored events. Insurance and food sanitation compliance is mandatory for suppliers to obtain and maintain approved status.

Affected Parties

All Groups

Policy Statement

Scope: Who should know this policy?

  • Any individual responsible for purchasing prepared food for College related events should know this policy.
  • Any individual associated with a Finance Center should know this policy.
  • Any supervisor should know this policy.

Policy Statement

Requirements to become an approved food provider:

1. Submit W-9 and answer Food Provider questions on Dartmouth's PaymentWorks vendor portal registration.

And Annually submit the following:

2. Certificate of Insurance (COI) naming the "Trustees of Dartmouth College" as additional insured as follows:

  • Events where NO alcohol is served, a minimum of $1,000,000 in general liability limits.
  • Event where alcohol is served, a minimum of $2,000,000 in general liability including liquor liability coverage; and a copy of a current liquor license.

3. NH based food providers - State of NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Food Service License renewed annually:

4. Out-of-state food provider - A copy of up-to-date food service license OR a copy of up-to-date kitchen facilities inspection report from their State Health Department or other authorized approval entity, indicating approval to operate.

All forms should be uploaded to Dartmouth's PaymentWorks vendor portal.

Questions can be emailed to:

Standards approved food provider while serving product to customers on campus, to maintain approved status:

  1. Food provider must staff event with at least one employee with ServeSafe ® Manager certification.
  2. Allergen/ingredient identifiers on all foods and beverages available on request.
  3. Fire extinguisher at all events where cooking or open flame is taking place.
  4. Portable hand washing station or close proximity of a restroom with a hand sink for employees at outdoor events.
  5. Proper storage and transportation equipment such as cold boxes/hot boxes with associated temp logs will be used at all times during transportation, delivery and serving of food.
  6. Food handler gloves and back up supplies at all events.

Standards for approved food providers while dropping product off to departments or organizations on campus to maintain approved status:

Proper storage and transportation equipment such as cold boxes/hot boxes with associated temp logs will be used at all times during transportation and delivery of food and beverages.

Standards for departments or organization picking up food or beverages from college approved food providers:

The department or organization is responsible that food & beverage products being transported back to campus or to off campus events is handled in such a way to minimize the chances for a food borne illness.

Dartmouth College reserves the right to audit the performance of any food provider at any event without announcement, to ensure that the required standards are being maintained. Approved Food provider status at Dartmouth College is a privilege which may be withdrawn at its sole discretion.

Contacts / Responsibilities

Dartmouth College
Procurement Services
7 Lebanon Street, Suite 313
Hanover, NH 03755
Phone: 603-646-2811

Exclusions & Exceptions

There are no exceptions.


Food provider – is a business/individual who prepares, transports, delivers food to the College, and who may or may not also serve that food.

Prepared food – food processed by a provider, by cooking, cleaning, or the like, so as to be ready to be served with little or no further preparation.


Breach of this policy has the potential to put individuals at risk. Because of the serious health, safety, legal and financial ramifications of breach of this policy, violators may be subject to disciplinary steps.

Policy ID


Effective Date

July 31, 2015

Last Revised Date

July 1, 2024


Finance & Administration

Office of Primary Responsibility


Office(s) of Secondary Responsibility

Last Reviewed Date

March 11, 2021

Next Review Date