Asbestos Policy and Procedures

Summary of Policy

This policy outlines procedures to be used to minimize possible exposure to asbestos fibers.

Affected Parties

All Groups

Policy Statement


Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber with high tensile strength, flexibility and resistance to thermal, chemical, and electrical conditions. It is most commonly used as a fire retardant and for thermal insulation. These qualities make asbestos an excellent building material. Asbestos building materials which are commonly encountered include: pipe, duct and boiler insulation; floor tile and sheet flooring and commercial adhesives; vapor barriers and concrete coatings; joint compounds and plasters.

Asbestos is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and the State of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. The Dartmouth Asbestos Policy complies with: OSHA Title 29 CFR Part 1910.1001 "General Industry", OSHA Title 29 CFR Part 1926.1101 "Construction Standard", EPA NESHAP 61.145 and 61.150, EPA Worker Protection Rule, State of NH Air Resources and Waste Management divisions.

Asbestos is clearly recognized as having the ability to cause health and environmental harm. However, there is significant data and risk assessments to show that properly managed and intact asbestos containing materials do not present a significant health risk to building occupants. Dartmouth will use a comprehensive approach to managing materials in place unless there is a need to disturb them. Renovation or demolition work will require removal of any asbestos containing materials to be conducted by approved methods based on the requirements outlined by the EPA, OSHA and State of NH.

Purpose: The Dartmouth Asbestos Policy outlines procedures to be used to minimize possible exposure to asbestos fibers when encountering Presumed Asbestos Containing Materials (PACM).


This policy and these procedures apply to all Dartmouth College employees, contractors, Dartmouth College students, invited guests and visitors.


Environmental Health & Safety

  • Coordinate analysis and identification of various suspect materials. Information regarding the status of building materials and sampling results is available at EHS.
  • Determine appropriate action to be taken.
  • Approve asbestos removal contractor.
  • Maintain records.
  • Maintain annual State Notification for small scale/short duration projects.
  • Maintain qualifications as "competent person".
  • Coordinate employee training for compliance.
  • Air monitoring as required.
  • To act as a resource for information to employees and supervisors.


  • Employees are not permitted to remove any friable Asbestos Containing Material (ACM).
  • Asbestos containing floor tile and adhesives may be removed only by employees who have fulfilled applicable training requirements.
  • PACM on a job site, that is likely to be disturbed, must be reported to your supervisor and to the Environmental Health & Safety Office (EHS Office) prior to starting work.
  • Attend training as directed. All custodial and maintenance staff must attend the annual asbestos awareness training.

Project Managers

  • Request asbestos survey information prior to the start of any project.
  • Review job site for asbestos materials prior to the start of work.
  • Review with EHS.
  • Develop a work plan for removal of ACM.


  • Contractors who are not specifically hired and licensed to remove ACM must contact the project manager or the EHS Office (646-1762) to coordinate testing of suspect material and any asbestos removal. Any disturbance of PACM is strictly forbidden. All approvals, forms, manifests, etc. must be turned over to the EHS office.


  • Report suspected asbestos hazard to the Office of Residential Life or the Environmental Health & Safety Office.


A Glossary of Terms:

  • ACM – Asbestos Containing Materials
  • Amended water – water which has had a wetting agent added to it to increase the ability of the water to penetrate asbestos
  • Competent Person – a person who has the knowledge and authority to identify and take appropriate action when asbestos is present and who has been trained in a class that meets the requirements of the EPA Accreditation Plan
  • EHS – Environmental Health and Safety at Dartmouth College
  • EPA – Environmental Protection Agency
  • Friable – capable of being crushed using hand pressure
  • HEPA – High Efficiency Particulate Air filter
  • Negative Exposure Assessment – a demonstration by the employer that any employee exposure during an operation will be below the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)
  • OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • PACM – Presumed Asbestos Containing Material
  • SOP – Standard Operating Procedure

Policy ID


Effective Date

January 1, 2007

Last Revised Date

June 10, 2024


Campus Services

Office of Primary Responsibility

Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)

Last Reviewed Date

May 22, 2024

Next Review Date