Dartmouth Libraries Short-Term Display Policy

Summary of Policy

Dartmouth Libraries commit to building community, generating curiosity, and creating inclusive and diverse learning environments. One way the Libraries demonstrate that commitment is through short-term displays that foster intellectual, social, and cultural exchange, resulting from partnerships between faculty and students, and partnerships between faculty and the Libraries. This policy sets out acceptable short-term displays as submitted by students, faculty, or Libraries staff.

Affected Parties

All Groups

Policy Statement

Dartmouth Libraries strive to be a welcoming, intellectual space for the entire community and encourage submissions for short-term displays that foster intellectual, social, and cultural exchange while also complying with the requirements outlined in this policy. Upon approval, short-term displays will be on view for one week in the Baker-Berry Library at the south end of Berry Main Street. Dartmouth Libraries reserve the right to accept or reject short-term display submissions based on scheduling, the Libraries' values and purpose, and the principles detailed below: 

  • Students and faculty must submit a proposal at least three weeks in advance of display.
  • Submissions require a faculty sponsor, and preference will be given to those who have not yet exhibited during a particular term.
  • Display signage must contain clear details of the faculty sponsor including their email contact, course number, and department.
  • Displays must: 
    • Provide substantive explorations of the topic(s), including a balance of visual and textual materials;
    • Contain varying perspectives, particularly for controversial topics; and
    • Respect the tenets of the Dartmouth Principles of Community
  • Libraries staff reserve the right to:
    • Review all exhibit content before its display;
    • Liaise with students and the faculty sponsor to ascertain more information and details if there are questions or concerns about the proposed display; and
    • Delay exhibiting the display if there are unanswered questions or concerns.
  • Libraries staff reserve the right to remove a display if it:
    • Exceeds the one-week period;
    • Deviates from the accepted proposal; or
    • Poses a public safety issue or potential damage to the building.
  • Any displays put up in the Dartmouth Libraries without permission will be removed immediately.

With concerns about whether a display falls outside this policy, contact the faculty sponsor, the Libraries staff member designated to review exhibits, and the Library Leadership Team.

Roles and Responsibilities for Approved Displays 

Libraries staff, in collaboration with the Libraries staff member designated to review exhibits, will assess short-term display submissions. Applicants of accepted submissions will be asked to consult with the Libraries staff member designated to review exhibits to review the display plan, confirm dates, and clarify the roles and responsibilities outlined below:

  • The creators of the short-term display must provide all materials needed for the display.
  • Displays should make every effort to be freestanding. Materials cannot be attached to the ceiling or ceiling lights. Wall space may be considered for use under certain conditions.
  • Displays must be neat, organized, and professional in appearance.
  • Libraries staff are not responsible for the transport, installation, maintenance, security, storage, and removal of displays.
  • The Libraries cannot be held responsible for damage or theft of display materials.
  • A signed copy of the application approval, including the names of the creators of the display, the faculty sponsor, and the Libraries staff co-sponsor, must be displayed at all times.
  • The Libraries staff co-sponsor will work with the faculty sponsor to create supporting messaging and guidelines for Libraries staff should they encounter community concerns or questions.
  • The Libraries staff member designated to review exhibits will manage the exhibit project documentation for each short-term display.


  • "Dartmouth Libraries" or "Libraries" means a library belonging to, or under the administration of Dartmouth, including the Baker-Berry Library, Dana Biomedical Library, Feldberg Business & Engineering Library, the Library Collections & Services Facility, Matthew-Fullers Health Sciences Library, Rauner Special Collections Library, and Sherman Art Library.
  • "Faculty" means any academic professor or researcher employed by Dartmouth, including those with visiting appointments.
  • "Libraries staff" means any person officially employed by Dartmouth Libraries.
  • "Libraries staff member designated to review exhibits" is the library staff member responsible for assessing short-term display submissions, along with other duties mentioned in this policy.
  • "Short-Term Display" means any curated, planned public exhibit of an organized collection of objects, works, or artifacts of social, scientific, historic, cultural, or artistic interest. A single object or work can make up an entire exhibition. Displays are visual and textual conduits that can prompt information sharing, knowledge discovery, and spark conversations and new ideas.
  • "Student" means any Dartmouth undergraduate, graduate, or professional student.

Policy ID


Effective Date

October 22, 2024


Office of the Provost

Office of Primary Responsibility

Dartmouth Libraries

Last Reviewed Date

October 22, 2024

Next Review Date