The Dartmouth College Fall Protection Program serves to protect employees from the inherent risks related to falls from elevated surfaces and/or equipment.
The Dartmouth College Fall Protection Program serves to protect employees from the inherent risks related to falls from elevated surfaces and/or equipment. Falls from height are a leading cause of occupational injury and, as such, Dartmouth College strives to protect employees from these hazards through a hierarchy of controls: engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment (PPE).
This Program applies to all Dartmouth College employees and all performing work at a Dartmouth College property including employees, contractors, and sub-contractors. This Program is implemented because Dartmouth College is subject the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards on Personal Fall Protection in 29 CFR §1910.140 and §1926.500. This Program applies to employees working at heights performing general industry and construction work, as defined by OSHA.
The areas specifically covered in the standard and this program include:
Environmental Health and Safety is responsible to:
Managers/Supervisors are responsible to:
Dartmouth Rescue Team is responsible to:
Employees are responsible to:
Contractor/Subcontractors are responsible to:
Trigger Heights: Requirements for when fall protection is required are governed by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). There are a variety of trigger heights for fall protection based on the activity being performed. A general list is below. If an activity is not listed, contact the Dartmouth College qualified person for guidance.
Activity |
Trigger Height |
Notes |
Working at heights (Dartmouth employees) |
≥ 4' |
Such as changing filters, changing light bulbs, painting, maintenance, restoration, etc |
Mobile elevated work platform (MEWP) |
Any height |
Fall protection must always be worn and connected in the basket |
Construction activity (contractors) |
≥ 6' |
Painting, maintenance, restoration, new construction, remodeling, etc. |
Scaffolds (including scissor lifts) |
≥ 10' |
PFAS or guardrails must be used. Feet must always remain on the floor of the basket |
Fixed ladders |
≥24 ft |
See note below regarding fixed ladders |
Process: Dartmouth College will utilize passive fall protection systems (engineering controls) such as guardrails where possible. In the event a passive fall protection system cannot be used, or at such times the passive fall protection system must be bypassed (such as when an employee must go over a guardrail to reach a roof edge), Dartmouth College will utilize fall restraint or fall arrest systems.
Fall Restraint Systems: Fall Restraint Systems are preferred over Personal Fall Arrest Systems (detailed below) because they keep an employee from reaching an elevated edge. Therefore, the risk of fall is eliminated when properly utilizing a Fall Restraint System.
A Fall Restraint System consists of a full body harness, an anchorage, and a lanyard which is sized sufficiently short to prevent an employee from reaching the unprotected edge. Keep in mind that body belts used as part of a fall restraint system are not permitted at Dartmouth. The Fall Restraint System must be designed and installed by a qualified person, who must also develop the procedures for using the system.
Fall Arrest Systems: Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS) will be utilized as a last resort when employees cannot be protected from falling using a passive or restraint system as stated above.
The ABCD's of PFAS. A personal fall arrest system consists of:
A PFAS must be designed and installed by a qualified person. PFAS components such as anchor points will be procured through reputable (must be new and made in U.S.) fall protection equipment vendors and installed according to the instructions included with such components.
PFAS shall be taken out of service after ten years, upon a duration specified by the manufacturer (whichever is sooner), upon being subject to a fall, or if damage is observed upon inspection.
One of the most critical components in a PFAS is the anchorage. Anchor points and travel restraint lines must be able to support without failure at least 5,000 pounds per person who will be attached. Care should be taken when selecting and installing PFAS anchor points. Often, anchor points will be located outdoors and exposed to weather. This exposure can adversely affect the longevity of the anchor point. The Dartmouth College qualified person must use care when selecting anchor point design and locations because of these unique circumstances.
All lanyards, harnesses, lifelines, restraints, etc. must be made of synthetic materials. Polypropylene rope used as a lifeline must contain an ultraviolet light inhibitor.
Personal fall protection systems and their components must be used exclusively for employee fall protection and not for any other purpose, such as hoisting equipment or materials. The PFAS must limit the maximum arresting force on the employee to 1,800 pounds.
Deceleration devices, lanyards, and harnesses used for personal fall protection must be compatible with all connectors used. Body belts are prohibited as part of a personal fall arrest system.
Fall Protection Plans: Dartmouth will not use Fall Protection Plans since conventional fall protection will be utilized.
Fall Restraint/Arrest System Inspections: All fall restraint/restraint system components must be visually inspected before each use. This pre-use inspection will be accomplished by the user. A pre-use inspection checklist is included as Appendix C. Records of pre-use inspections are not required to be kept. Damaged or otherwise compromised components will be taken out of service and EHS must be notified. Recurring inspections for fall restraint system components are identical to PFAS inspection requirements detailed below. Annual inspections (Appendix D) of all PFAS components including anchorages are required to be completed and documented. Anchorages must also be certified upon construction and every 10 years thereafter by a qualified person.
Fixed Ladder Requirements
Dartmouth College will comply with OSHA's new mandates for fixed ladders greater than 24 feet, in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.28(b). For fixed ladders that extend more than 24 feet above a lower level:
When working on scaffolding, fall protection is required for each employee more than 10 feet above a lower level. Fall protection must be either guardrails or a personal fall arrest system.
Guardrail specifications:
Personal Fall Arrest System
PFAS Use: Personal Fall Arrest Systems must be used properly to ensure an employee is not subjected to excessive force in the event of a fall. Misuse of a PFAS can result in an employee's fall not being fully arrested. The full body harness worn by an employee must be worn as designated below.
PFAS Rescue: A written rescue plan must be made to provide for the prompt rescue of an employee who has fallen and is suspended from a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS). This document does not have to be prepared for fall restraint systems, as they protect a worker from experiencing a fall. If an employee is suspended for more than several minutes, secondary injury can occur from a condition referred to as "suspension trauma". The Dartmouth College Fall Rescue Plan is included as Appendix B. This rescue plan will be discussed prior to working at heights when PFAs is to be used and must include:
Warning Line Systems
Warning lines will be used near unprotected roof edges. Warning lines consist of ropes, wires, or chains. The rope, wire, or chain will be flagged at not more than 6-foot intervals with high-visibility material and the line will be not more than 39 inches or less than 34 inches in height. The warning line will be erected not less than 6 feet from the roof edge and will have a break strength of 200 pounds. The warning line are erected around all sides of the roof work area. Employees should be trained not to go beyond the warning line without proper personal fall protection.
When using a warning line system for controlled access zones the provisions of the warning line system will be used.
Additional Requirements
Window washing shall not occur on window washer scaffolding. Employees shall use lifts and trucks.
Free fall distances in a PFAS must be limited to the fullest extent possible.
Considerations for free fall distances are included in Appendix A. Fall distance is calculated by adding: (1) the free fall distance, (2) deceleration device distance, (3) D-Ring shift, (4) back D-Ring height, and (5) safety factor. Calculating the fall distance is an important step in determining if a PFAS or a fall restraint system is needed.
All Dartmouth College employees that are exposed to falls from heights will be required to attend an initial training and an annual refresher in a classroom setting provided by EHS.
Initial training will consist of at least the following:
Annual training will be provided and will consist of the following:
Retraining will be provided under the following circumstances:
In addition to meeting the requirements above, construction work will be required to meet the requirements in this section. A site-specific written Fall Protection Procedure is required for all jobs where contractors are exposed to falls over six feet and will be using active methods of fall protection.
The Fall Protection Procedure shall be submitted to the appropriate Project Manager for all jobs prior to work commencing. The site-specific plan should be forwarded to EHS for review at least three working days prior to the start of work. The Site-specific plan shall include, at a minimum:
Dartmouth College prohibits the use of monitors for roofing work on low slope roofs. Guardrail systems, fall restraint systems, fall arrest systems or safety nets are allowed.
Dartmouth College does allow for other exceptions addressed in OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1926 Subpart M, such as for Steel Connectors, Leading Edge Work, etc., however, the method to be employed to prevent falls must be specifically addressed in the site-specific fall protection plan.
Except for the prohibition of using a monitor for low slope roofing work, Dartmouth College will not dictate means and methods to achieve 100% fall protection for fall exposure defined above.
Hoist Areas: If employee must lean through the access opening or out over the edge of the access opening (to receive or guide equipment and materials, for example), that employee shall be protected from fall hazards by a personal fall arrest system
Holes: Each employee on a walking/working surface shall be protected from objects falling through holes (including skylights) by covers. All other covers are capable of supporting, without failure, at least twice the weight of employees, equipment, and materials that may be imposed on the cover at any one time. All covers shall be color coded or they shall be marked with the word "HOLE" or "COVER" to provide warning of the hazard
Excavations: Each employee at the edge of an excavation 6 feet or more in depth shall be protected from falling by guardrail systems, fences, or barricades and at less than 6 feet when not readily apparent.
Falling object protection: When an employee is exposed to falling objects, the employee will wear a hard hat and shall implement one of the following measures:
Guardrails, screens, mesh and safety net systems shall be installed to specifications required by OSHA's Fall Protection Systems Criteria and Practices (29 CFR 1926.502(b)-(c)).
All connectors for fall arrest systems and positioning device systems are drop forged, pressed or formed steel or made of equivalent materials and have a minimum tensile strength of 5,000 pounds. Lanyards and vertical lifelines shall have a minimum breaking strength of 5,000 pounds. Lifelines shall be protected against being cut or abraded.
Fall protection should be considered at the design phase of new construction. New construction provides the opportunity to design fall hazards out of building maintenance activities. Some things to consider when designing low sloped roofs are:
Similarly, fall protection requirements should be considered when specifying air handling equipment. Priority should be given to air handling equipment that do not include a fall exposure.