This policy provides guidelines for the appeal of citations issued for the violation of regulations while parked on Dartmouth College property and the response to appeals by Transportation Services.
When joining Dartmouth students and employees agree to follow parking rules established by the college. These rules apply to visitors and those conducting business on campus as well (e.g. contractors, vendors and service providers).
There could be an instance when a constituent believes they have properly followed parking rules and wish to file an appeal with Transportation Services after receiving a parking citation.
Establishing Appeal Parameters and Process
1. Appeals may be granted for the following valid reasons:
2. Filing an appeal
3. Appeal Review
A. Transportation Services staff will conduct the review. Individuals whose appeal falls outside of valid reasons as detailed in Section 1, will receive an email stating their appeal is denied.
B. When an appeal falls under parameters established in section 1, and any required documentation is provided, Transportation Services will take circumstances into consideration when deciding an appeal.
C. There are three possible appeal outcomes:
Vehicles that do not park in compliance with Dartmouth policy may be ticketed, booted or towed at the owner's expense. Collections referral, automatic transfer to student accounts, check-in suspension and the revocation of parking privileges may also occur. Failure to follow Dartmouth parking rules can lead to disciplinary action.