Parking Regulations

Summary of Policy

A policy outlining Dartmouth College's parking regulations.

Affected Parties

All Groups

Policy Statement


Dartmouth Transportation Services and the Department of Safety and Security monitor parking lots, issue citations, immobilize and tow vehicles in violation of parking regulations. 

Violating Dartmouth College parking regulations can result in citation, loss of parking privileges, vehicle immobilization and towing at the owner's expense. Conduct may be reported to other divisions of Dartmouth College and law enforcement for review, which could lead to additional disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

Transportation Services may alternatively designate parking spaces and lots without prior notice to serve specific groups and purposes as necessary to fully utilize parking resources.


1.1.1 Any vehicle requiring a state motor vehicle registration, must also register with Transportation Services and properly display a current original permit for the appropriate area in which it is parked from 6:00 AM through 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday. This includes, but is not limited to, automobiles, motorcycles, mopeds and golf carts.

1.1.2 No permit required 5:00 PM through 6:00 AM, Monday – Friday.

1.1.3 No permit required weekends. 

1.1.4 Reserved Parking Spaces - Parking is enforced 24-hours, seven days a week. At all times the appropriate permit for the reserved space must be displayed on the vehicle.

1.1.5 Visitor Parking – Paid visitor parking is available in designated locations. Click for more information on visitor parking.

1.1.6 Contractor, Vendor and Service Provider Parking – All contractors, vendors and service providers working on the Dartmouth campus must register with Transportation Services. Parking is not free, with parking locations authorized, assigned and permitted through an application process, issued at the discretion of the Director of Transportation Services.

1.1.7 Accessible Spaces – Parking in marked accessible spaces requires display of a valid state issued accessible parking placard, license plate or temporary placard issued by Transportation Services. The person who qualifies for the placard or license plate must be in the vehicle when it is parked in the accessible space.

In addition to the display of a valid accessible placard or license plate, vehicles must register with Transportation Services and properly display a current permit for the appropriate area in which it is parked.

Obstructing access to an accessible space is the same as parking in that space without a permit.

1.1.8 Unauthorized Permits - Departments will not be allowed to design, produce or issue parking permits not approved by Transportation Services.

1.1.9 Misappropriated, Fraudulent and Altered Permits – Vehicles found displaying permits under this title will be immobilized or towed at the owner's expense. A violation of this section may result in the loss of campus parking privileges at the discretion of the Director of Transportation Services.

1.2.0 A permit replacement fee will apply when a permit is reported lost, stolen or destroyed.


1.2.1 Dates - From November 1st through March 31st vehicles are prohibited from parking in most lots and roadways between 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM. (see map)

1.2.2 Exceptions – In rare instances with advance permission, Transportation Services will grant day-to-day special exceptions to winter parking ban regulations for individuals and groups.


No parking, standing or stopping in fire lanes, fire access areas, or obstructing fire and rescue access.


1.4.1 - No vehicle shall park upon any portion of a travel, bus or bicycle lane.

1.4.2 - No vehicle shall block any portion of a point of ingress or egress.


1.5.1 Marked 15-minute Zone – These spaces are for faculty, staff, students and visitors with the use of flashers, no permit required.

1.5.2 15-Minute Loading/Unloading Permit Exception - Faculty, Staff and students may occupy any non-reserved or non-accessible marked parking space on campus for up to 15-minutes for the purpose of actively loading or unloading. Use of flashers is required.

1.5.3 Overtime – Vehicles must leave the space after 15-minutes. After a first overtime citation is issued, each additional period of 15-minutes that passes with the vehicle remaining in the space, is considered a separate violation. Vehicles can receive up to three overtime citations in a single day.


a. No vehicle shall park in a manner that causes it to occupy any portion of two or more parking spaces simultaneously.

b. No unauthorized vehicles shall block, stop, stand or park in loading zones or docks.

c. No parking will be permitted in areas to include, but not limited to, sidewalks, walkways, landscapes or over pedestrian crosswalks.

d. No cars parked in motorcycle spaces April 1st through October 31st.

e. Flashers not activated in 15-minute space.

f. Blocking dumpsters and unauthorized standing, stopping or parking at service spaces is not permitted.

g. Parking spaces on campus may not be used to post the sale of a vehicle, wash vehicles or store vehicles unless authorized by Transportation Services.

h. Vehicles may only use one parking space at a time. No trailers may be attached to a vehicle while it is parked on campus. Vehicles that will not fit in a single parking space, such as buses and trucks must contact Transportation Services for authorization.

i. Storage units, trailers, or boats may not be placed in parking spaces unless authorized by Transportation Services.

j. No parking space may be blocked, reserved, or closed to access unless authorized by Transportation Services.

k. No spaces may be signed or designated for a particular use or user unless authorized by Transportation Services.

l. Access to a gated parking lot or facility may be made only by use of a swipe or proximity card or permit activated by Transportation Services for use by the designated individual or vehicle for access to the specific lot or facility.

m. All vehicles must be removed from parking spaces/lots designated as reserved by Transportation Services for events, based on special instructions posted at the space(s) or entrance to the parking lot.

n. No use of campus parking facilities unless authorized by Transportation Services for any purpose other than for what they are intended, for mass distribution or posting of information in the form of flyers, or anything else put on vehicles parked on campus

o. No advertising any article, commodity, service or event, selling or offering for sale any article unless authorized by Transportation Services.

p. No overnight or extended parking of campers, vans, buses, etc., utilized as living and sleeping quarters within campus parking lots.


Metered and ParkMobile zones will be enforced from 6:00 AM through 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, unless otherwise posted. Electric vehicle parking spaces will be enforced 24 - 7. 

1.7.1 Payment Required – Anyone who parks in a metered space during regulated hours shall immediately put the meter into operation through payment of the fee posted at the meter. Campus meters display time on an integrated electronic display or may require the purchaser to display a printed receipt face-up on the vehicle's dashboard. U.S. coins and credit cards are accepted at meters.

Anyone who parks in a ParkMobile zone during regulated hours shall immediately begin a paid parking session for the posted zone where the vehicle is parked, by downloading and paying with the ParkMobile app. The parking fee for each ParkMobile zone is available on the app. ParkMobile zones accept only payment methods supported by the ParkMobile app.

1.7.2 Expired Meter - An unpaid meter is considered "Expired".  Any vehicle parked at an expired meter must leave the space immediately.  After a first expired meter citation is issued, each additional period of the posted maximum daily stay that passes, with the vehicle remaining at the meter and in an expired state, is considered a separate violation.  Vehicles can receive up to three expired meter citations in a single day.

1.7.3 No/Expired ParkMobile Session - Any vehicle parked in a ParkMobile zone without an active paid parking session must leave the zone immediately. After a first No/Expired ParkMobile Session citation is issued, each additional hour that passes with the vehicle remaining in the same ParkMobile zone, is considered a separate violation. Vehicles can receive up to three No/Expired ParkMobile Session citations per zone, in a single day.

1.7.4 Meter Feeding - Each meter is marked with a maximum daily stay per vehicle, after which the vehicle must leave the space immediately.  Continuing to park and purchase additional time, beyond the maximum daily stay is not allowed. After a first meter feeding citation is issued, each additional period of the posted maximum daily stay that passes, with the vehicle remaining at the meter and in a paid state, is considered a separate violation.  Vehicles can receive up to three meter feeding citations in a single day.

1.7.5 Inoperable meters – Inoperable or malfunctioning meters must be reported to Transportation Services immediately at (603) 646-2304 for further instructions.  Knowingly parking at an inoperable or malfunctioning meter is a violation.

17.6 Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stalls - Parking in EV charging stalls is restricted to vehicles plugged in for charging. Vehicles must be actively charging when parked in a charging station stall. Those in violation will be subject to enforcement action. Applicable rules and regulations shall be posted at each EV charging station location.


A vehicle shall be considered abandoned if it has been left at any campus parking area for more than 24-hours in violation of Dartmouth parking regulations or without the permission of Transportation Services. Abandoned vehicles will be towed at the owner's expense.


Inoperable/disabled vehicles should be immediately reported to Transportation Services. Vehicles not within a marked space, or in a reserved parking space, will be towed at the owner's expense. Vehicles left in unreserved marked parking spaces will have 24-hours to resolve before being towed at the owner's expense.


Vehicles found in violation of any of the following may be immobilized:

a. Vehicles that have accrued three or more unpaid citations.

b. Parking in a reserved space or lot without a permit.

c. Parking in an accessible space without a permit.

d. Parking on campus between 6:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday, without a valid permit.

e. Display of misappropriated, fraudulent or altered permits.

f.  Immobilization devices will be removed only after full payment of accumulated fines and vehicle immobilization fees are paid.

g. Vehicles that remain immobilized after 5:00 PM each day may be towed at the discretion of the Director of Transportation Services. The owner or custodian of the vehicle will be responsible for any towing fees, applicable storage fees, and accumulated fines.

h. Vehicles are released from immobilization Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM, only after full payment of accumulated fines and immobilization fees are paid.


Vehicles found in violation of any of the following may be towed from campus to a storage facility at the owner's expense:

a. Vehicles that have accrued three or more unpaid citations.

b. Parking in a reserved space or lot without a permit.

c. Parking in an accessible space without a permit.

d. Parking on campus between 6:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday, without a valid permit and for violations of the campus winter parking ban.

e. Parking on sidewalks, walkways, landscapes, and travel lanes or over pedestrian crosswalks.

f. Unauthorized parking in loading zones or docks.

g. Abandoned vehicles

h. Display of misappropriated, fraudulent or altered permits

i.  The owner of a towed vehicle is responsible for payment of accumulated fines, plus any towing and/or storage fee charged for such towing.

j. Towed vehicles stored on campus are available for release Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM, only after full payment of accumulated fines and tow fees are paid.


In rare instances, Transportation Services will consider short-term payment plans toward accumulated fines. Payment plans shall not include fees associated with vehicle immobilization or towing, which must be paid in full prior to a vehicle's release.


Individuals may have their parking privileges suspended for repeated acts of parking violations at the discretion of the Director of Transportation Services.


Citation recipients have fourteen days from the date of issue to file an appeal with Transportation Services online at Appeal decisions normally take 2-3 business days.

Policy ID


Effective Date

January 1, 1995

Last Revised Date

January 26, 2024


Campus Operations

Office of Primary Responsibility

Facilities Operations & Management (FO&M)

Last Reviewed Date

May 8, 2024

Next Review Date