A Payroll advance is receipt of pay prior to your next regular pay check. The amount received in advance is deducted from your next regular pay check. Advances are subject to all taxes and other deductions in effect at the time the check is run.
A payroll advance may be requested in the following circumstances:
The advance must be requested in writing, by the employee and approved by the fiscal officer. Please submit the request with the supporting documentation (timesheet and/or copy of a Payroll Authorization) to the Payroll Office.
Final approval rests with Payroll and Controller's Office.
Payroll Advance checks are normally mailed directly to the employee's payroll mailing address unless otherwise specified.
* Please note that there are interest free employee loans available for emergency situations through Human Resources. Please contact the Benefits office at Human.Resources.Benefits@Dartmouth.edu or (603) 646-3588 for more information.