Pharmaceutical and Narcotic Purchases

Summary of Policy

Departments requiring controlled substances for use in research projects are responsible for securing and maintaining a license certificate with the Drug Enforcement Administration. If you need to obtain a DEA license certificate to purchase controlled substances, please contact Environmental Health & Safety, (603) 646-1762.

Affected Parties

All Groups

Policy Statement

Purchases for Schedule I and II Controlled Substances

A completed Dartmouth Purchase Requisition must be sent to Procurement Services at HB 6114. A DEA Form-222 with the correct ordering information signed by the individual license holder must accompany the Purchase Requisition. If the vendor does not have a current copy of the license certificate on file, the order will not be shipped until a valid copy is provided.

Purchases for Schedule III, IV and V Controlled Substances

The individual license holder may contact the vendor and place the order directly. A completed Dartmouth Purchase Requisition must be sent to Procurement Services at HB 6114. As noted above, if the vendor does not have a current copy of the license certificate on file, the order will not be shipped until a valid copy is provided.

Controlled substances cannot be purchased using the Dartmouth Procurement Card. For additional assistance in sourcing these purchases, contact Cameron O'Brien, Sourcing Manager.

Policy ID


Effective Date

November 23, 2019

Last Revised Date

November 23, 2019


Finance & Administration

Office of Primary Responsibility


Last Reviewed Date

November 23, 2019

Next Review Date