Privileges and Expectations of Recognized Student Organizations

Summary of Policy

These privileges and expectations apply to all recognized undergraduate student organizations and their members.

Affected Parties

All Students

Policy Statement

Recognizing that there are a wide variety of student organizations that offer a vibrant and compelling student experience, the privileges and expectations outlined below are shared by all student organizations at Dartmouth and will serve as a framework to create positive and meaningful contributions. Student organizations will continue to adhere to department-specific requirements and obligations in addition to these expectations. In this policy, "student organizations" refers to undergraduate student-led groups that have applied for and received recognition through an approved Dartmouth-sponsoring unit.

Privileges of Recognition by a Dartmouth-Sponsoring Unit

Dartmouth student organizations have the opportunity to:

  • Use the name of Dartmouth in the activities and publications of the organization.
  • Use reasonably the facilities, property, and services of Dartmouth.
  • Reserve space in Dartmouth-controlled buildings and property.
  • Request funding through various Dartmouth funding sources. Recognition does not guarantee financial support.
  • Apply for and maintain a Dartmouth-sponsored email account.
  • Apply for and use a domain name.
  • Maintain a Dartmouth chart string and use Dartmouth's financial system to conduct financial transactions.

Additional privileges of recognition may apply.

General Expectations for a Recognized Student Organization

Each Dartmouth student organization must:

  • Apply for recognition as a student organization through a Dartmouth-sponsoring unit, including the Council on Student Organizations (COSO), Dartmouth Outing Club (DOC), Office of Student Life, Office of Greek Life, Thayer School of Engineering, Dickey Center, Rockefeller Center, Club Sports, Tucker Center, Office of Pluralism and Leadership, or the Magnuson Center for Entrepreneurship.
  • Have a clearly stated purpose and mission statement, which is distinct from existing student organizations and aligns with and supports the mission of Dartmouth. In its mission statement, each organization must have a learning component, and either a leadership or intellectual component.
  • Maintain an updated constitution or governing document that includes a mission statement, expectations of membership, criteria for member and leader selection, a non-discrimination clause, a process for resolving disputes, criteria for the removal of members and leaders, requirements for posting or making statements on behalf of the group, and the Dartmouth hazing policy.
    • The criteria used for member and leader selection must reflect the values and mission of the organization and comply with Dartmouth's Nondiscrimination Policy and Anti-Harassment Policy.
    • The expectations for members must align with the mission of the organization.
    • The organization shall review its constitution or governing document every two years.
  • Annually report its leadership and membership roster to the sponsoring Dartmouth unit and the Office of the Provost.
  • Annually set and submit goals that are in line with and further their mission, including meeting on a regular basis. The Dartmouth-sponsoring unit may review those goals to determine their alignment with the mission and Dartmouth's policies.
  • Annually submit a detailed event and fiscal management plan in line with the mission and purpose of the organization, along with a copy of its constitution or governing document.
  • Have a faculty or staff advisor.
  • Annually submit evidence of compliance with Dartmouth policies to the Dartmouth-sponsoring unit.
  • Timely responses to inquiries and/or requests from the Dartmouth-sponsoring unit.

Ongoing Expectations for Recognized Student Organizations

Student organizations are expected to contribute positively to the Dartmouth community and conduct themselves in ways that do not reflect poorly on Dartmouth. In doing so, organizations should be cognizant of the following:

  • Student organizations will abide by federal, state, and local laws as well as Dartmouth policies and procedures both on- and off-campus.
  • Organizations are expected to enhance students' physical, intellectual, emotional, and mental well-being through perpetuating the values and principles of the Dartmouth community.
  • Organizations will participate in Dartmouth-sponsored opportunities and training aimed at creating an inclusive environment, and organizations will contribute to an inclusive environment, including but not limited to events, activities, and organizational management.
  • An organization's activities and spaces must be physically safe and support the health and well-being of guests and members.
  • Leaders of organizations will seek out relevant training opportunities and resources for their organization's members.
  • Organizations will comply with Dartmouth policies regarding the execution of contracts, advertising, printing, and apparel design. Organizations may not enter contractual obligations in the name of Dartmouth or the organization.
  • Organizations must use their funds and Dartmouth facilities responsibly and for the purposes for which they were intended.
  • Organizations may not advocate, incite, or participate in any physical disruption of the educational or business processes of Dartmouth. 
  • Membership in the organization shall be guided by the organization's approved constitution.
  • All members of the organization must be members of the Dartmouth community.
  • Organizations may not: (1) use any funds of the organization for the financial enrichment of any officer, member, or affiliate. (2) solicit funds outside of Dartmouth without the express approval of the Development Office at Dartmouth College. (3) lend or give Dartmouth funds to any individual, group, or other organization.
  • Organizations may sponsor fundraising activities for charity or organizational support upon approval by the Dartmouth unit that sponsors the student organization.
  • Organizations must not be directed by or obligated to the control of an outside organization or entity.
  • Dartmouth must pre-approve any program to be co-sponsored by an external affiliate of the student organization.


SOAP, Student Organizations

Policy ID


Effective Date

January 2, 2024


Office of the Provost

Office of Primary Responsibility

Office of the Provost

Last Reviewed Date

November 9, 2023

Next Review Date