Reservation Fees

Summary of Policy

A policy regarding associated fees for reserving space on campus for student groups, departmental groups, individuals and non-affiliated parties.

Affected Parties

All Groups

Policy Statement

Student organizations are not charged a rental fee for use of any space. The person making the reservation is required to provide the organization's assigned 21-digit chart string (e.g. 20.394.368000.123456.0000) at the time of the reservation request. This is to ensure that any extraneous costs (i.e. extra cleanup, damages) will be covered. Please note that technical labor, setup costs and AV services that go over the threshold of basic setup will be charged.

College departments are not charged a rental fee for use of space, with the exception of Common Ground, One Wheelock and Tom Dent Cabin. College departments must provide the correct chart string when the reservation request is submitted. The basic room rental fee for Common Ground and Tom Dent Cabin is $75. The room rental fee for One Wheelock is $50.

Individuals or Non-Affiliated Groups must contact the Collis Coordinator for current pricing (603-646-0910).

Additional Charges

  • Collis provides basic setup and tech support for all events, up to a certain threshold. Once this threshold of labor has been reached, charges will be incurred.
  • Any AV setup that cannot be provided by Collis or an approved vendor must be requested from Conferences Events (603-646-2923). They will be able to tell you how much those additional services will cost. Collis does not provide laptops for events.
  • Anytime that Facilities Operations and Management (FO&M) is contracted for services, additional charges will be incurred.
  • On rare occasions when we open the building early, there is a $25/hr charge.
  • When officers from Safety and Security are required (for building openings and closings, security, etc.) additional charges will be incurred.
  • Organizations will be charged a fee if a space is left in disarray or in a very messy state. The base fee is $100.
  • Late or last-minute resource requests (i.e. within 48 hours of the event) will be charged at their full rate ($30/hr for student organizations and $45 for departments). For example, if an event is about to start and the organizer requests data projection and a wireless mic, they would be charged the full rate.

Late Cancellation and/or No-Show Fees

Cancellation of any Common Ground reservation requires written notification and must be made at least 10 business days in advance. Organizations and departments that do not provide sufficient notice of cancellation may be charged as follows:

  • Student Organizations - will be charged a $75 fee and could lose their reservation privileges
  • Campus Departments - will forfeit the $75 Common Ground rental fee

Cancellation of an event in One Wheelock, Sarner or Tom Dent requires written notification and must be made at least 5 business days in advance. Organizations and departments that do not provide sufficient notice of cancellation may be charged as follows:

  • Student Organizations - will be charged a $50 fee and could lose their reservation privileges
  • Campus Departments - will forfeit their reservation fee ($50 for ONE Wheelock and $75 for Tom Dent Cabin)

Late cancellation of an event which has assigned resources (i.e. sound, lighting, data projection, table and chair setups, staging setups etc.) or complete non-utilization of resources (requiring the work of the Collis Tech Crew or Managers) will incur these charges:

  • Student Organizations - $30 an hour for all tech hours involved in the setup, onsite or breakdown of the event
  • Campus Departments - $45 an hour for all tech hours involved in the setup, onsite or breakdown of the event

Policy ID


Effective Date

July 1, 2015


Office of the Provost

Office of Primary Responsibility

Collis Center for Student Involvement

Last Reviewed Date

May 9, 2023

Next Review Date