This policy outlines the process and rules for reserving the Dartmouth Green and campus grounds.
The College Green and campus grounds are reserved primarily for informal use, including rallies and other assemblies, by students, faculty, staff, and guests of the College. Other events and activities will be limited to those staged primarily for the Dartmouth community and sponsored by College-recognized organizations and College departments.
The College Green, virtually unchanged since Dartmouth's founding in 1769, continues to serve its historic role at the center of the campus as a special place both for the casual use by members of the Dartmouth community and for a limited number of traditional events (Homecoming Bonfire, Winter Carnival sculpture, the Native American PowWow, Green Key, Commencement, the Town/College Fourth of July celebration, and the Summer Carnival). In order both to avoid undue interference with informal use of the Green and to preserve its condition, the number of other events and activities that will be permitted on the Green will be limited in number and duration (generally, no more than six hours) and may not occur during the four weeks preceding Commencement. All events on the Green (including the traditional events listed above) must honor or otherwise involve an educational, co-curricular or cultural program at Dartmouth, be open to and be intended to benefit the entire Dartmouth community, not involve vendors or other commercial activity, and comply with the college's alcohol policy.
All events and activities on the College Green and campus grounds other than informal use may be permitted only upon application to, and approval of, the Conferences and Special Events office and, if necessary, the Town of Hanover. Any such application should include a description of the plans for the event or activity, including the date, time, location, type of activities involved (including any vending proposed to be done by a College department or organization), and any proposed temporary structures. The Conferences and Special Events office will book approved events/activities on the College calendar, coordinate them with the Town of Hanover, and provide set-up assistance and guidance, if required.
The following rules will apply:
Violation of this policy may subject an individual or recognized organization to disciplinary action.