Hours of Work

Summary of Policy

This policy pertains to working hours for all employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement.

Affected Parties

All Groups

Policy Statement

Dartmouth College
Employment Policies and Procedures

Applies to: All employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement Policy Statement:

Work Schedule

The College determines daily and weekly work schedules based on each department's operational needs. Such schedules may be changed at any time at the discretion of the College to address varying conditions. All employees are expected to work their scheduled hours.

Hourly (non-exempt) employees are normally scheduled to work 7.5 hours/day or 8 hours/day, depending upon the department/position schedule. Non-exempt employees will be informed of their scheduled hours by their Supervisor. This shall not be construed as a guarantee of hours of work per day, or per week, or as a limitation on the right of the College to require reasonable amounts of overtime hours. The number of hours in an employee's work week does not include the lunch break, unless the person is actually on duty during that time.

Salaried (exempt) employees are expected to give full professional attention to their work and to be normally available during business hours. Exempt employees are expected to use College resources, including time, wisely. While their hours may fluctuate to meet department expectations and workloads, employees may be required to work evenings and weekends and to travel. Salaried employees who find themselves working excessive hours over a long duration are encouraged to discuss priorities and resources with divisional leadership.



All employees who work more than 5 consecutive hours are expected to take a full 30-minute meal break. For non-exempt employees, the 30-minute meal break is unpaid. Non-exempt employees who wish to have a shorter meal break or work through their meal break, must obtain advance authorization to do so from their manager. Any break shorter than 20 minutes is a paid break.  Employees will be paid for all hours worked.


Work Shifts

Within a 24-hour period there are 3 typical work shifts/schedules that an employee may be asked to work. The majority of positions work first shift. In some instances, due to the nature of the work, the College must employ people over the full 24-hour period. In these cases, where a second or third shift work schedule is clearly defined and occurs on a regular basis, the College will add a premium to the employee's base rate of pay referred to as a shift premium. Definitions of second and third shifts are:

  • Second Shift:        4:00 p.m. to midnight
  • Third Shift:           midnight to 8:00 a.m.

If an employee is hired to specifically work on second or third shift, the employee's paid leave time (defined as Holiday, Personal Leave, Vacation Leave, or any other time for which the employee will be paid but is not working) will be paid at base pay plus the shift premium.


Mandatory Minimum Hours

For Employees in New Hampshire: When hourly employees report to work at Dartmouth's request, they shall be paid for not less than two hours at their regular rate of pay unless Dartmouth has made a good faith effort to notify them not to report to work. Should any employees report to work after Dartmouth's attempts to notify them have been unsuccessful or if Dartmouth is prevented from making notification for any reason, those employees shall perform duties assigned by the employer in order to meet the two-hour minimum.

Employees who report to work and then request to leave on the basis of illness, personal or family emergency before working for two hours will not be paid for the minimum two hours provided that a written explanation, acknowledged by the employee, is entered on the employee's time record. Employees who are hired and report to work with the expectation that they will work less than two hours each day and are notified in writing in advance of their schedule shall be exempt from the two-hour minimum rule.

For employees outside of New Hampshire: Dartmouth has employees who work in states which have different laws and regulations regarding minimum hours of work. Dartmouth will comply with those minimums to the extent they exceed the two-hour minimum discussed above.


On Call pay for non-union staff

Employees will be paid for "on call" time consistent with applicable state and federal law. Employees are compensated for being "on call" only if they cannot use the time effectively for their own purposes. Such employees are expected to be able to report to work in a reasonable amount of time and be fit for duty. The possibility that employees might receive a call after normal working hours does not mean they are entitled to additional compensation if they are not called. For example, if employees only have to leave word about where they can be reached, they generally are not considered to be working since they can use the time as they wish.

Employees who respond to a call outside of scheduled hours will be paid for all actual hours worked.



Employees who work in positions where they receive tips directly from customers must report the amount of tips received each pay period. Dartmouth is responsible for withholding income taxes and FICA taxes on reported tips as well as paying the employer portion of FICA and FUTA taxes on those earnings. In some cases, employees are allowed to voluntarily pool their tips. In cases where employees are allowed to voluntarily pool their tips, Dartmouth will process the withholdings and FICA and FUTA contributions based on the arrangement.


Payment of Wages upon Employee Death

When an active employee dies, Dartmouth will pay the employee's estate for all hours worked and the remainder of that employee's scheduled hours for the pay period in which the death occurred.

Payments made under this policy will not be direct deposited but will be mailed to the mailing address on file in Human Resources.

See also: Alternative Work Arrangements


Definitions or Regulations:

New Hampshire RSA 275:30-A Day's Work; Day of Rest; NHDOL Section 275:43-a, New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules Chapter Lab 803.03(h)(i)

Policy ID


Effective Date

December 1, 2013

Last Revised Date

May 31, 2020


Campus Operations

Office of Primary Responsibility

Office of Human Resources (HR)

Last Reviewed Date

May 31, 2020

Next Review Date