Corrective Action

Summary of Policy

This policy provides guidance on the remedial procedures available in the instance of an employee's job performance or behaviors not meeting Dartmouth's standards.

Affected Parties

All Groups

Policy Statement

All non-faculty employees* not covered by a collective bargaining agreement.

*"Faculty" is defined in the Organization of the General Faculty of Dartmouth College document.

Situations sometimes arise in which an employee's job performance or behaviors do not meet Dartmouth's standards. Examples include but are not limited to: performance that does not meet expectations, inability or failure to perform duties, disruptive behavior, poor attendance, misconduct, or violation of Dartmouth policies. Often, corrective action can be taken by Dartmouth to assist the employee in identifying and overcoming work-related difficulties, performance deficiencies, or behaviors that violate policies, procedures, or practices.  

"Corrective action" refers to a remedial plan of action that is developed by the supervisor in consultation with the applicable Dean/VP's office and the division's Human Resources administrator to achieve targeted outcomes for resolving behavior and performance-related issues.  Such plans usually include a timeframe for achieving the stated objectives.  The use of such plans is not appropriate in all situations. The nature or circumstances of some performance or behavioral issues may require immediate formal warning, suspension, or termination. When appropriate, various approaches to corrective action may include: the clarification of expectations, an oral or written counseling or warning, a Performance Improvement Plan, and/or termination of employment.

Nothing contained in this policy is intended to alter the at-will employment relationship between Dartmouth and its employees or to create legally enforceable contractual rights, and Dartmouth reserves the right to depart from this process. Despite the availability of the corrective action process, Dartmouth reserves the right to terminate a staff member's employment at any time when it is in Dartmouth's best interests to do so, as determined by the supervisor in consultation with the applicable Dean/VP's office and the Human Resources administrator.


A written record of corrective action will be maintained in the employee's central personnel file.


Because an employee's unsatisfactory performance can result in serious consequences, up to and including the termination of employment, the supervisor should contact their Human Resources administrator as soon as possible when a problem arises to discuss the appropriate action.

In general, after consulting with the Human Resources administrator, the supervisor should inform the employee involved of the nature of the problem and, in most cases, give the employee a reasonable opportunity to correct the situation. Supervisors may consider several approaches when dealing with unsatisfactory job performance or policy violations. The approach taken should be based on the facts and circumstances of each case after consultation with the appropriate Human Resources administrator.

After such consultation, a supervisor may immediately suspend an employee or may place an employee on paid administrative leave during an evaluation or investigation of a given behavior or performance situation.

Policy ID


Effective Date

March 1, 2019

Last Revised Date

January 31, 2024


Campus Operations

Office of Primary Responsibility

Office of Human Resources (HR)

Last Reviewed Date

January 31, 2024

Next Review Date