Drug-Free Campus and Workplace

Summary of Policy

This policy describes how Dartmouth meets the requirements of the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act. 

Affected Parties

All Groups

Policy Statement

Applies to: All employees 

Consistent with Drug Free Schools and Communities Act requirements, Dartmouth has implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees.  Dartmouth will take disciplinary action against violators, consistent with federal, state, and local laws.  

The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 requires Dartmouth, as a federal contractor and grant recipient, to certify that it will provide a drug-free workplace.  Unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the Dartmouth workplace. Dartmouth will not condone criminal activity on its property, or on property under its direct control, and will take appropriate action up to and including terminating an employee or requiring an employee to participate in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program. 

As a condition of employment, employees must abide by the terms of this prohibition and must notify Dartmouth of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction.  

Dartmouth will impose disciplinary sanctions on employees who violate the above-stated policies.  Depending on the circumstances, these sanctions may range from a minimum of satisfactory participation in a rehabilitation program to a maximum of separation or termination from Dartmouth.  Although Dartmouth does not act as a law enforcement agency, it will not protect individuals who have violated the law.  Further, Dartmouth will cooperate with law enforcement officials if an on-campus investigation is necessary. 

Definitions or Regulations: 

Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, 20 USC 1145g and Drug Free Workplace Act, 41 USC 701. 

In addition, there are various federal, state, and local laws that prohibit the illegal use, possession, manufacture, sale, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol. 


Employees must notify Dartmouth of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 


For more information, please refer to the College's Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

Policy ID


Effective Date

December 1, 2016

Last Revised Date

December 31, 2016


Campus Operations

Office of Primary Responsibility

Office of Human Resources (HR)

Last Reviewed Date

April 4, 2022

Next Review Date