This policy outlines the procedures employees should take in the instance of an emergency.
Applies to: All employees
Employees should dial 911 for any situation that requires immediate police, fire, or medical response. Immediately after calling 911, employees should report the emergency to the Department of Safety and Security at (603) 646-4000. For employees located at the Dartmouth Health campus who are in immediate need of security assistance, security can be reached by any of the following four methods: 1) activate a Duress Alarm button in your area, 2) call the hospital operator at 5555, 3) call 5-7896 during office hours or, 4) activate the Emergency Call Box (Lot 20).
Calling the Department of Safety and Security in every instance of a possible campus emergency is essential.
Employees who require special assistance in emergencies should contact the Office of Equal Opportunity, Accessibility, and Title IX at or (603) 646-3920