Fire and Safety

Summary of Policy

A policy designed to ensure the appropriate use and function of fire and safety in Dartmouth residence halls and other buildings.

Reason for Policy

To assure the safety of occupants in Dartmouth's on- and off-campus buildings. 

Affected Parties

All Groups

Policy Statement

Note: This policy may be superseded by relevant lease agreements for non-dormitory, College-owned or -leased residences. 

The following policies are in place to assure appropriate functioning of all safety equipment in Dartmouth residence halls and other buildings. 

  • Falsely reporting fires; tampering with or removing of a life safety devices (i.e., smoke detectors, heat detectors, or fire alarm panels); removing and discharging fire extinguishers, other than to extinguish a fire; and interfering with firefighting operations are all criminal offenses and are liable for damages and/or subject to college disciplinary action.
  • Automatically-closing fire doors to hallways, student rooms, laboratories and any other building locations should never be propped open, blocked or otherwise tampered with.
  • Nothing may be hung from any sprinkler piping or sprinkler heads in any building.
  • Never leave cooking appliances or kitchen stoves unattended.
  • Live or cut Christmas trees are not permitted in any College buildings.
  • No one is allowed to sleep overnight in a College non-dormitory building. (Exceptions may be granted in limited circumstances.  See the Overnight Use in College Facilities policy)
  • Access to the following building areas and equipment shall not be blocked at any time or for any purpose:  emergency means of egress, hallways, stairwells, electrical panels, fire extinguishers, fire panels, sprinkler valves and other emergency shut off valves. Access is required by code.
  • Upon the activation of a fire alarm or carbon monoxide alarm, evacuate the building until the building is secured by Hanover Fire department.

Periodic inspections of College-owned buildings are made by the Hanover Fire Department and insurance company representatives. FO&M maintenance personnel enter all areas of the College periodically in the course of fire extinguisher, exit light and other fire equipment inspections. Building occupants (students, faculty, staff, and visitors) are requested to report any use or misuse of safety equipment as quickly as possible.

Exclusions & Exceptions

Privately-owned Greek letter organizations and Society houses develop their own policies regarding banners.

First-year students sleep in Leverone field house overnight before they leave on trips.


All Fire Equipment and Safety violations will result in an assessment of repair and/or replacement costs to the responsible party or to residence hall occupants by prorating the charges, and can subject those responsible to disciplinary action and/or criminal charges.

Persons found sleeping in non-residential buildings will be removed, including individuals in their own office areas.

Policy ID


Effective Date

January 1, 2016

Last Revised Date

August 1, 2016


Campus Operations

Office of Primary Responsibility

Facilities Operations & Management (FO&M)

Last Reviewed Date

June 1, 2021

Next Review Date