This policy is no longer active, and has been replaced with the policy on Institutional Restraint: Statements from Dartmouth and its academic units.
The board of trustees, the president, the senior leadership group, and their designees are the only recognized institutional spokespeople for Dartmouth.
Dartmouth is committed to free speech and open inquiry and seeks a community in which a diversity of viewpoints can be freely shared and exchanged to promote deeper understanding of complex issues and ideas. Moreover, Dartmouth supports and protects the academic freedom of faculty to engage in scholarly activity.
The board of trustees, the president, the senior leadership group, and designees are the recognized institutional spokespeople for Dartmouth. No other individual, group, or department has the authority to issue official institutional statements or speak on behalf of Dartmouth.
Of course, Dartmouth community members are free to take positions as individuals, including, for example, as subject-matter experts. Such statements must be clearly made in an individual capacity and should include a disclaimer that community members are not speaking on behalf of Dartmouth.