
Summary of Policy

A policy regarding overtime for hourly (non-exempt) employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement.

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Policy Statement


Applies to: Hourly (non-exempt) employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement

An employee will be paid for time worked at their regular hourly rate of pay for the first 40 hours worked per workweek. All hours worked in excess of 40 hours per workweek will be paid at 1½ times the employee's regular rate. Dartmouth's workweek for payroll purposes is Sunday through Saturday.

For employees in California: Non-exempt employees in California will be paid 1 ½ times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours in each workday and for the first eight (8) hours on the seventh consecutive day worked. In addition, non-exempt employees in California will be paid two (2) times their regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 12 hours each workday and after eight (8) hours on the seventh consecutive work day.

In no event will overtime premium rates of pay (with the exception of shift differentials) be duplicated or pyramided. This means that when an employee's particular work falls within two or more overtime or other premium classifications, they will be paid only the highest applicable single overtime or other premium rate. In addition, hours worked and paid as overtime in one category, such as daily overtime, will not be used to determine eligibility for another overtime category, such as weekly overtime.

Paid Leave: Holiday, vacation, and personal time are counted as hours worked for the purposes of computing overtime.

Multiple Positions: If an employee has more than one position, the hours worked in all positions will be used to determine when an employee is eligible for overtime in a workweek. If the rates of pay for the positions held are different, the hourly rate to be used to calculate overtime will be based on all rates of pay.

Secondary employing departments are responsible for overtime pay, except when the employee works more than their regularly scheduled hours per week at the primary department, in which case the primary department will pay overtime only for the overtime hours worked at that department. In cases of part-time staff, when it is unclear which department is the primary department, overtime costs may be shared pro-rata, although working overtime hours is best avoided in such situations. The departments involved should contact their HR Business Partner or Payroll to resolve issues in this type of situation.

Compensatory Time Off: By law, as a private employer, Dartmouth is not permitted to provide hourly employees with compensatory time off outside the workweek for hours worked in excess of 40 in that workweek. Compensatory time is allowed only within the same workweek.

Lump Sum Payments: There are rare occasions when an hourly employee may be paid for performing work other than their normal work duties using a lump sum payment. All lump sum payments to hourly (non-exempt) staff require review and written approval of Human Resources or Payroll through the Payroll Authorization Smart Form system prior to the work being performed.

In the event a request to use a lump sum is rejected, the employee must be paid his or her regular hourly rate for the number of hours worked by submitting a revised timesheet for the period in which the hours occurred. Overtime must be paid if the addition of the hours worked results in the employee working more than forty hours in a workweek 


A supervisor may assign an employee a reasonable amount of overtime.

If an employee believes they must work overtime in order to complete a work assignment, the employee is required to notify the supervisor of the need to work overtime in advance. The supervisor will approve or decline the request. If the employee works overtime without approval, all hours which meet the overtime rules must be paid. However, the manager may set expectations for the need for advance approval in the future. Employees who repeatedly work overtime without approval from their supervisor are subject to corrective action.

Policy ID


Effective Date

October 7, 2013

Last Revised Date

June 10, 2024


Campus Operations

Office of Primary Responsibility

Office of Human Resources (HR)

Last Reviewed Date

June 10, 2024

Next Review Date