Paid Absences from Work

Summary of Policy

A policy outlining specific guidelines governing various types of paid absence.

Affected Parties

All Groups

Policy Statement

Applies to: All regular, benefits-eligible employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement

Dartmouth provides employees with paid time off to participate in jury duty, civic duty, and court appearances as well as compassionate time off for bereavement. Time off is also granted for military service–please see the Military Leave  policy. Below are the specific guidelines governing each type of paid absence.


Time Off



Forms and Requests for Time Off


1–5 days at full pay

Five days are granted in the event of a death in the immediate family.  One day is granted for the death of a family member outside of the immediate family or to serve as a pallbearer.

For employees in Illinois: Bereavement leave is also available for events related to pregnancy and fertility: stillbirth, miscarriage, unsuccessufl reproductive procedure; failed adoption match or an adoption that is not finalized because it is contested; failed surrogacy agreement; or diagnosis that negatively impacts pregnancy or fertility.


An immediate family member is defined as an employee's child, spouse or domestic partner, parent or guardian, sibling, grandparent, or grandchild.  Stepparent/child/sibling relations and current parent or grandparent-in-law, brother or sister-in-law, and son or daughter-in-law are included in this definition.

For employees in Oregon: In addition to the definition outlined here, the state of Oregon also includes any individual related by blood or affinity whose close association with a covered individual is the equivalent of a family relationship.

Dartmouth may request verification of the death and the employee's relationship to the deceased.

For employees in Illinois: If the bereavement leave request is related to pregnancy, surrogacy, or adoption, Dartmouth may request documentation provided by a health care practitioner, an adoption or surrogacy organization, or the Family Bereavement Leave Act form:

Civic Duty

1–10 days per fiscal year.

Employees are paid an amount equal to the difference between pay received for civic duty and their regular pay rate (excluding expenses).

Employees must be a bona fide member of one of the following groups: 1) fire department.

2) Civil Air Patrol, or 3) Upper Valley Search and Rescue Squad (deputized by the state police or Department of Fish and Game).

Fire department duties are restricted to fire-fighting duties.


Employees must be actively engaged in search and/or rescue duty during time off.

Employees must notify their supervisors of their call to duty and return to work as soon as possible upon completion of duty.

Jury Duty

The time off is the duration of official duty.

Full straight-time pay will be provided for all normally scheduled working time in which the employee is actively engaged in jury duty.

The clerk of court, upon request, will provide a statement of time served which should be given to the employee's supervisor. With due consideration to time and travel factors, an employee is expected to return to work on a day when a court releases them temporarily from jury duty.



An employee called to jury duty must inform their supervisor as soon as they receive notification.

Court Appearance

Duration of official duty.

Employees receive their regular straight-time pay for all previously scheduled "working hours" spent in court.


This applies to employees who are subpoenaed, or otherwise requested to appear in court, or at a deposition on behalf of Dartmouth. (For Court appearances not related to Dartmouth business, please see Paid Time Off policy.)






Employees must notify their supervisor as soon as they receive notification.

Crime Victim Leave

Unpaid – investigative, or legal proceedings associated with a specific crime in which the employee is either a witness or a victim.


This policy applies to employees who are: 1) a victim or witness of a crime or, 2) the immediate family member of a homicide victim.

N.H. defines a "victim" as any person who suffers direct or threatened physical, emotional, psychological, or financial harm due to an attempted or committed crime.

Employees must notify their supervisors of dates they are required to attend to proceedings associated with the crime.



Policy ID


Effective Date

December 17, 2009

Last Revised Date

July 12, 2024


Campus Operations

Office of Primary Responsibility

Office of Human Resources (HR)

Last Reviewed Date

July 12, 2024

Next Review Date