A policy regarding paid time off for salaried employees.
Regular salaried Exempt Staff and Research Associate Cs are credited with 22 days of vacation per fiscal year (July through June), prorated for less than full-time. For these employment groups, vacation time is accrued at a rate of 1.83 days per month commencing on the July 1 following the employee's date of hire for use during the following fiscal year.
Allowance within the First Year of Employment from Date of Hire
On the July 1 following the employee's hire date, the employee is credited with a full 22 days of vacation for use in that fiscal year.
Dartmouth encourages all employees to take their vacation leave in each fiscal year. Employees forfeit unused vacation at the end of the fiscal year, unless the department head, in consultation with their Human Resources administrator, has approved the employee carrying it over to the next fiscal year. Vacation leave should be scheduled with the approval of the manager or department head.
Research Associate B's and Fellows are provided with 14 days of vacation per fiscal year (July through June). These employment groups receive a prorated amount of vacation upon hire. Upon separation from Dartmouth, Research Associate B and Fellow employees will be paid only for any unused vacation days given but not taken in the current fiscal year.
Salaried employees are not granted an additional bank of time off for personal or sick time because their work is not tracked on an hourly basis. Employees are encouraged to request such occasional needs for time off with their managers in advance, when time is needed for personal reasons that cannot be scheduled outside of the normal workday (e.g., appointments, errands, time off with sick family members, and so on) or for personal illness. This time off is approved at the manager's discretion. Although there is not a specified amount, managers may address excessive time off through the corrective action process or by granting the employee time off without pay. After 10 consecutive days of personal illness, the employee may apply for short-term disability (See Leaves of Absence Policy for more information).