
Summary of Policy

This policy governs declaration of a weather-related schedule change as well as employee timekeeping during episodes of inclement weather when Dartmouth continues regular operation and in the rare circumstance when it does not.

Affected Parties

All Groups

Policy Statement

Applies to: All employees 

Dartmouth's scheduled operations are rarely interrupted because, among other concerns, it has a predominantly residential student population and ongoing staffing needs for student services, patient services, academic and research activities, maintenance of Dartmouth's physical resources, and other services for the health, welfare, and safety of the Dartmouth community. Even in inclement weather conditions, employees should assume that operations will continue on a "business as usual" basis, unless they receive notice of curtailed operations. This policy governs declaration of a weather-related schedule change as well as employee timekeeping during episodes of inclement weather when Dartmouth continues regular operations and in the rare circumstance when it does not.

When Dartmouth Maintains Normal Operations:

Employees who come in late, leave early, or are absent because of weather conditions may either make up for the lost time during the same workweek or, if that is not possible, charge the time lost against available personal or vacation leave balances. Employees who are unable to come to work because of inclement weather conditions should notify their supervisor as soon as possible. Employees who want to leave work early because of the weather must request the permission of their supervisor. Each division may establish its own process for review and approval of anemployee's request to adjust their work schedule or to perform work remotely on a temporary basis due to inclement weather, in accordance with the operational considerations included in Dartmouth's Flexible Work Policy:

  • Departmental efficiency and service are not adversely affected;
  • Regular office hours to meet departmental needs are not curtailed; and
  • Undue burdens are not placed on other employees or supervisors.

Decisions to approve or not approve an employee's request for a temporary schedule adjustment or permission to work remotely due to weather conditions rest solely within the leadership of each division.

When Dartmouth Curtails Normal Operations:

A decision to curtail operations may be made only by the President or the Provost; it is not to be made on an ad hoc, department-by-department basis.

Definitions and Regulations:

Employees will be notified of curtailed operations as soon as possible by means of all available media. Curtailed operations means that all non-essential functions should operate with limited staff or close entirely. Curtailed operations may involve delayed opening, early closure, or cancellation of all but essential functions.

Essential functions are those needed to maintain core student services when Dartmouth is in regular session and those needed to maintain campus safety and security and vital patient services at all times. Every department should have a contingency plan, approved by the area's dean or vice president, that identifies which services are essential and when. Students should always assume that classes will be held unless notified of a cancellation by their professors via email.


General notice of curtailed operations will be made via:

Managers and supervisors are encouraged to contact employees directly to ensure those with limited access to the internet or cell service have received messages related to curtailed operations.

Additional Resources:

Flexible Work Policy
Hours of Work Policy

Policy ID


Effective Date

December 1, 2006

Last Revised Date

August 19, 2024


Campus Operations

Office of Primary Responsibility

Office of Human Resources (HR)

Last Reviewed Date

August 19, 2024

Next Review Date