Search below for institutional policies.
* If you are searching for a phrase then put quotes around the phrase within the search box. For example, enter "information security" in the Search By Title search box to receive a list of all policies with that exact phrase in the title.
* Search boxes and filters use AND operators. For example, you're searching for a Title AND an Office of Primary Responsibility.
This policy provides the state and federal guidelines for the employment of minors.
This policy states that employees should not hire or directly supervise family members, or participate in institutional decisions concerning family members with several exceptions.
This sets forth Dartmouth's policy and procedures for reference and background checks prior to employment, conduct records reviews while employed, and reference requests by potential future employers for employees leaving Dartmouth.
This policy describes the criteria for designation as a regular versus a temporary employee.
This policy outlines the requirements, definitions, and procedures for implementing a flexible work arrangement.
All faculty, staff, students, and visitors working with potentially hazardous materials (biological, chemical, or radiological) at Dartmouth are subject to registration, oversight, training, inspection, and audit by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS).
Policy regarding paid holidays and winter break for regular employees.
This policy pertains to working hours for all employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
Lays out the criteria in which Dartmouth will indemnify an employee against liability and associated costs.
This policy details the different types of employee leaves and the pay and benefits applicable during the leave.