Search below for institutional policies.
* If you are searching for a phrase then put quotes around the phrase within the search box. For example, enter "information security" in the Search By Title search box to receive a list of all policies with that exact phrase in the title.
* Search boxes and filters use AND operators. For example, you're searching for a Title AND an Office of Primary Responsibility.
This policy sets standards for the appropriate use of Dartmouth owned or leased vehicles and outlines mechanisms to reduce the frequency and cost of accidents.
Dartmouth provides paid leave for staff following the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of a child or children.
This policy describes how Dartmouth meets the requirements of the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act.
Sets expectation that all members of the Dartmouth community are expected to use electronic communications in a legal and responsible way and gives Dartmouth the right to restrict the use of its computers and network systems in response to evidence of violations of this policy.
This policy outlines the procedures employees should take in the instance of an emergency.
This policy outlines the requirements needed for a non-faculty employee to be granted Emerit status as well as the corresponding benefits.
Employees are eligible for educational assistance for Dartmouth Courses and non-Dartmouth continuing education.
This policy regards Dartmouth's adherence to New Hampshire state law pertaining to an employee's right to inspect his or her personnel file and furnish a copy of all or any part of that file.
Outlines proficiency testing procedures, which apply to all applicants under consideration for full-time and part-time employment at Dartmouth.
This policy states that, by federal law, any person employed by Dartmouth for work within the United States must complete both the Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9) and, if hired after November 1, 2008, be entered into the E-Verify system within the first three days of their employment.