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This policy states that employees should not hire or directly supervise family members, or participate in institutional decisions concerning family members with several exceptions.
This sets forth Dartmouth's policy and procedures for reference and background checks prior to employment, conduct records reviews while employed, and reference requests by potential future employers for employees leaving Dartmouth.
This policy describes the criteria for designation as a regular versus a temporary employee.
It is the policy of the Trustees of Dartmouth College to enhance its endowment by promoting practices that permit the most flexibility in long-term planning, utilization, and investment. Therefore, Dartmouth College seeks endowment gifts that least restrict the purpose, administration, and the investment of principal. To further these goals, Dartmouth College has developed the following policies that apply to endowments at the undergraduate College and its professional schools.
Dartmouth's endowment utilization policy balances support of the current generation of students and faculty with the need to preserve the College's endowment for future generations.
The purpose of this policy is to establish temperature conditions that provide a comfortable and productive environment while controlling energy costs and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.
This policy outlines procedures that must be followed when working with potentially hazardous energies to safely isolate its source(s).
Work requiring Enhanced BSL2 (BSL2+) practices must be reviewed and approved by the Dartmouth Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) prior to commencement.
Noise which interferes with classes, College offices, and other campus and community activities is prohibited.
This policy describes the requirements on the use of exempt or excluded select agents and toxins at Dartmouth.